Tuesday, June 22, 2010

062. Indefinite hiatus

My dad died last Saturday so I am back in Manila to attend the wake and funeral service.
With that, I will be on indefinite hiatus on this blog.

Thanks guys, it's been nice knowing all of you.


casado said...

oh my, condolences Ruby! dunno what to say, really. my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

be strong!

Guyrony said...

My deepest condolences Ruby dear.

My deepest condolences.


rudeboy said...

I don't know you, Ruby, but my deepest sympathies just the same.

So, so sorry to hear of your loss.

Darc Diarist said...

condolonces ruby.

my prayers are with you and your family. be strong. keep courage and faith.

Mugen said...

Condolences Miss Purple.

Aris said...

My deepest condolences, Ruby.

Anonymous said...

i never had the chance to meet him but from your stories and from what you wrote, he is indeed a loving father.



citybuoy said...

my condolences, ruby. we're all here if u need anyone to talk to.

lee said...

my sincere condolences to you and your family ruby.


Anonymous said...

My condolences, Ruby.

iurico said...

my condolences, my dear.

red the mod said...

It is a reflection of the fortitude of one's character to be able to handle grief in solace with the grace and strength that you have manifested. I never would've guessed that you were grieving. I am sorry for your loss.

My deepest condolences, yours truly is a character akin to the corundrum.

Mac Callister said...

nakikiramay po ako...

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